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  • PRESS RELEASE: Air Monitors, New Approach to Measuring Toxins Reduce Disproportionate Harm to Black, Brown, Low-Income Communities
    MEJC sent the attached press release to local media on May 22, 2023. Press Release Link
  • REPORT: Cumulative Impact, Summary of Legislative Components
    This report summarizes key dimensions of state level legislation and policies that use cumulative impact frameworks to inform action toward environmental justice and to reduce health inequities associated with disparate exposure to air pollutants. Report Link.
  • ¿Qué es una sección de preguntas frecuentes?
    Se puede usar una sección de preguntas frecuentes para responder rápidamente preguntas comunes sobre usted o su empresa, como "¿A dónde realizan envíos?", "¿Cuál es su horario de atención?" o "¿Cómo puedo reservar un servicio? Es una excelente manera de ayudar a las personas a navegar por su sitio e incluso puede mejorar el SEO de su sitio.
  • ARTICLE: Local advocates aim to make ‘cumulative impact’ a factor in air quality regulation
    Advocates are pushing for regulators to consider cumulative impact – the idea the totality of environmental threats affecting a community should be considered in permitting decisions – which is not typically how environmental permitting decisions are handled today. Article Link.
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