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Image by Sushil Nash

تزدهر قوتنا.

We believe in a world where all of us, no matter our race, place or politics have access to affordable, renewable and community-controlled energy. But wealthy monopolies like DTE energy use their power to saddle our communities with unaffordable and unreliable power while polluting our neighborhoods.



Stand up for your rights

Even with....

KYR Booklet - ENGLISH.png
Unpaid Bills
Damage to Property
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Help build a movement on the scale of DTE to take on DTE!

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Michigan residents pay some of the highest electric bills in the nation and suffer some of the worst service. These costs are disproportionately borne by Environmental Justice communities - Black, Brown, Indigenous and poor white communities that have seen the worst effects of pollution and climate change.

Wealthy corporate utilities like DTE and Consumers Energy have captured our legislative and regulatory processes, allowing them to pocket billions of dollars in profits while saddling our communities with polluted air and unaffordable energy.


But we know our worth - and we know our power when we come together. Help build a movement on the scale of DTE to take on DTE!

Did you know...

أصبح عضوا!


تحدث معنامدير الشبكة

حول أن تصبح عضوًا في MEJC . 


اشترك في نشرتنا الإخباريةللتعرف على الأحداث القادمة وفرص التطوع . 

تنمو معنا!

انقر هناللتعرف على عضوية MEJC!

مدعوم من MI-EJ

قابل الفريق

وراء كل ذلك.

Photo pf the team.

لم تكن انتصاراتنا لميشيغان ممكنة بدون فريقنا الرائع.

الصحوة: قصة عدالة مناخية_ d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673b_

ساعد الفنان الإبداعي بابلو كاسترو وفريق تصميم مجتمع العدالة البيئية في إنتاج هذه الشهادة المدهشة لقوتنا!

Photograph in the background of a person creating large cut out signs for protest of fist.

اشترك في قائمتنا البريدية!

احصل على آخر الأخبار والتحديثات

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